

Médico Pascual Pérez, 19


(+34) 965 209 822


How can we help you?

Fill out the contact form if you have any questions or if you want to ask us something. We will reply to you as soon as possible.
If you prefer to call us here you have our telephone number 965 209 822

Basic information on data protection
Responsible for the treatment ROVIFRAN, S.L.

Address of the person responsible: C/ Médico Pascual Pérez Nº 19, 03001, Alicante

Purpose: Your data will be used to be able to attend to your
requests and provide you with our services.

Advertising: We will only send you advertising with your authorization prior, which you can provide us through the box corresponding established for the purpose.

Legitimation: We will only process your data with your prior consent, which may be provided to us through the corresponding box established to that effect.

Recipients: In general, only our staff entity that is duly authorized may have knowledge of the information that we ask.

Rights: You have the right to know what information we have about you, correct it and delete it, as
explained in the additional information available at our website.

Additional information: More information in the section “PRIVACY POLICY” of our website.

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